NQF & EYLF exceeding assessment feedback )


NQF & EYLF exceeding assessment feedback )

Another fantastic story from Carabella Early Learning, who, after only using Kinderloop for 2 months have just been assessed as exceeding in all quality areas and every standard!! Well done guys…

We had only been using kinderloop for 2 months and our assessor was very interested in the way it works. She particularly liked the search function, so parent input, parent communication, each area of the EYLF and individual goals and children can be easily accessed. 

Here are the assessors comments about kinderloop:
QA1 “The service uses an online program called kinderloop which allows families to have 24 hour access to their child’s learning portfolio and opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions for future learning. Families have immediate access to their child’s profile on the kinderloop program which provides daily updates on the child, group experiences, individual learning goals, planned experiences and reflections of their child’s day. Families regularly contribute to their child’s learning progress by placing comments and suggestions on their online portfolio. Comprehensive reflections are available in each child’s portfolio which is used by educators to review and revise the objectives and goals developed for each child." 

QA2: "Information about healthy food items is provided to families in the newsletter attached to the kinderloop program.”

QA3: “The service uses electronic methods of sharing information with families and educators to avoid over use of paper." 

QA4: "All educators significantly contribute to the review of service process and the development of new and innovative procedures. For example, all educators have contributed to the use of an online programming resource." 

QA6: "Families are contacted on their child’s first day of attendance to ensure they feel supported in the process and detailed information is provided on the kinderloop system to allow families to see how their child has settled during the day. The nominated supervisor and educational leader use the kinderloop program to actively seek feedback from families on a daily basis. For example, questions about suggested items for the children’s library are posted and answers are collated to include in the program.
Kinderloop is used to provide instant updates to the families regarding all aspects of the service. Extended family members are invited to comment on children’s learning experiences and provide feedback for future planning. For example, a grandparent in Germany provides regular feedback to educators about the educational program via Kinderloop. Local parenting courses and workshops are advertised on the parent noticeboard and posted on the kinderloop program." 

QA7: The educational leader reviews information recorded on the kinderloop program to identify common areas of concern and adapts procedures to support each educators understanding. The online program has been set to ensure all posts and information about children is reviewed by the educational leader and nominated supervisor to ensure confidentiality at all times. The kinderloop program is used to encourage families to address concerns with relevant educators and support open communication and information provided is used to change or adapt service processes. The educator communication book and staff room are used to notify educators of new policies which are read and acknowledged by each educators. Updates are provided on the kinderloop program.”

To start your own private Kinderloop now, click here.