Category: Uncategorized


Halloween – embrace or disgrace?

Only a few decades back, Halloween was known as a much-loved North American tradition, but was it celebrated in Australia…? Heck, no! In fact, trick-or-treating was somewhat frowned upon as “just for American children”. Fast forward twenty years, and whether it’s the influence of pop culture and easy access to the Disney channel, or whether […]


Celebrating Excellence in the early years! Bellambi Point CPS achieves the Excellent rating

  Raising the bar of excellence, in Early Childhood Education & Care In December 2021, one of our valued customers, Bellambi Point Community Pre-School [CPS], (which is owned and operated by Big Fat Smile), was awarded the highest possible rating under the National Quality Framework (NQF) – EXCELLENT!! There are only 38 Early Childhood Education […]


The All New Medication Feature!

Medication requests are HERE! Families requiring one-off OR on-going administration of medication for their child, can make a request via their private Kinderloop. Administering medication to children in a childcare setting is a task that requires meticulous record keeping. Kinderloop’s medication feature can support your service to maintain ongoing compliance of regulation 92 of the […]


Simplifying Critical Reflections

Those of us who’ve worked in the Early Childhood industry know full well there’s a considerable amount of knowledge required to perform our job. No matter how passionate about children we are, it’s not just about hanging out in the garden all day painting, making sandcastles and singing. There are so many considerations… terminology (pedagogy, […]


Up Therapy Services: Highlighting the importance of early intervention in the early years

Here at Kinderloop HQ, we were lucky enough to have a chat with Sarah, the director of Up Therapy Services. We wanted to find out more about Up Therapy Services and ask what are some of the typical questions educators have about early intervention. Can you tell us a little more about ‘Up Therapy Services’? Up […]


Helping children and families settle into a new environment

As we approach the end of 2021 (and boy, what a year it has been!), it’s time to start considering the new year and all of the wonderful changes ahead of us… Most children within your care will be moving up to a new classroom environment, or if not, their educators may well be changing […]


Meet the Educators behind Kinderloop’s new Custom Planning Feature!

Have you explored Kinderloop’s wonderful new Custom Planning feature yet? If you have, we hope that you like the look of it and have had a chance to play around with it and remember, we are always here and happy to help with any planning questions you might have!  Our team has been hard at […]


Meet Kinderloop’s new Custom Planning Feature

You may have noticed that your planning area looks a little different from a few days ago. Kinderloop has listened to your requests and have been frantically working behind the scenes to present to you our new Custom Planning feature!  What is Custom Planning?  At Kinderloop HQ, through feedback received from different service providers and […]


Making the most of Book Week 2021

Each year since 1945, the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has celebrated the coming together of children and books across one special week. During book week, schools, early childhood education services and libraries acknowledge and appreciate the authors and illustrators of some of the most loved books of the past year and of the […]