Tag: eyls


“I can’t use a computer” Early Childhood Documentation and Planning for the Digital Immigrant

“A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age. Digital immigrants are the opposite of digital natives, who have […]


Mobile Device Management in Early Learning

A huge thanks to our friends over at Crunch IT for their inspired insight into this growing topic. The benefits of tablet adoption in the world of Early Learning are many. Immediate access to all important information, enhanced learning experience, tracking of children’s progress and ensuring adhesion to the plethora of government regulations involved. However […]


The changing face of child care – a UK perspective

Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die. Ray Norda Change is a constant presence in all of our lives, but sometimes I feel in early years we have to deal with more change than most.  In England in the last five years we have seen the introduction of a whole new […]


Child care and social media, is there a risk?

Social media is changing the landscape of personal and professional risk.  Using blogs, social networking and personal websites to communicate is now common place. Much of the appeal with social media is the relative anonymity and the speed with which information can be shared. Users can impart their views on any subject to a worldwide […]


Child care providers, just what is best practice?

In an effort to understand how child care is evolving throughout the world, we asked our Superloopers what ‘Best Practice’ means to them. In the first of this series, we welcome an awesome response from Hannah Benitez-Moatt from England. Of course we encourage feedback from all child care providers, lets start a conversation… The quest […]