There’s nothing like getting inspiration from other passionate Educators! Meet Jayne. She’s been running her Family Daycare, Kidiwinks FDC, in Sydney, for TWELVE years! She’s got two beautiful girls of her own, so like many of us, has her hands full!

Q – What is the best thing about working with little people?
A – Children have the ability to constantly surprise you, and make you laugh (often out loud!). Each day brings something new – it’s such a colourful job.
Q – What’s a standout moment of joy you’ve had as an Educator? Can you describe it for us?
A – There have been many standout moments. but as a Family Daycare Educator I was priviliged to have my own daughters as part of my daycare. This definitely brought it’s own challenges with it, but it’s something I’ll always hold close to my heart.
Q – Is there a style of teaching that inspires and motivates you?
A – I’m a huge advocate for play! Children learn so much when they’re immersed in play. Childhood is so fleeting, so until they start school I encourage and support all matter of play.

Q – How does Kinderloop help you in your role as an Educator?
A – Kinderloop makes everything simpler! The years spent writing out each learning story, jotting & anecdote by hand are, thankfully, a thing of the past. As Educators, we’re forever juggling many balls. The ability to begin a post, get distracted many times over, and still come back to it waiting for me is priceless!
Q – What’s your favourite feature (or features) in Kinderloop?
A – I love the duplicating feature. There is so much information that needs to be repeated weekly in childcare, with minor changes – like the daily checks or menu. Duplicating an old post and making the changes really makes the process fast and efficient.
Q – Is there a feature that you’d like to see incorporated into Kinderloop?
A – There are so many fantastic features – and each time I look around my Kinderloop it seems something new has been added. I follow Kinderloop’s Facebook and Instagram pages to get the updates in a nutshell.
Q – Do you have a favourite activity or recipe you could share?
A – We’re very lucky that we have no nut allergies at Kidiwinks FDC, so a favourite activity is to make power balls together for afternoon tea. We use a food processor to combine nuts, dates, sultanas & chia seeds to a sticky mixture. Then on a tray we have the mixture, along with sesame seeds and desicated coconut. The children each have a teaspoon which they scoop up some mixture with, then they roll it into a ball and cover the ball in either coconut or sesame seeds! It’s a very popular activity – as they’re so delicious!

Thanks for sharing Jayne! Twelve years as an Educator is incredible!
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