Tag: EYLF programming


Meet Kinderloop’s new Custom Planning Feature

You may have noticed that your planning area looks a little different from a few days ago. Kinderloop has listened to your requests and have been frantically working behind the scenes to present to you our new Custom Planning feature!  What is Custom Planning?  At Kinderloop HQ, through feedback received from different service providers and […]


Examining the NQS within Digital Documentation: Relationships with Children and Families (Quality Area 5 and 6)

Families are children’s first and most important teachers. From birth, children are learning from those closest to them. When children enter the care environment, the educators within their early childhood centre will have a significant influence on how those children grow and develop. The relationships that exist within an early childhood centre play a crucial […]


Examining the NQS within Digital Documentation: Health, Safety and the Physical Environment (Quality Area 2, 3)

Since its introduction, the National Quality Standards have raised the bar for facilities providing care and education for children. The task of documenting your centre’s progress and engagement with the quality areas can be a daunting task for leaders and educators alike. Recording evidence, milestones, ideas and progress is easy with Kinderloop! Providing evidence of […]


Curriculum and educational program: Infinite possibilities!

In every child care educator’s day, there are a significant number of tasks to be completed: engaging in meaningful interactions with the children in our care, completing a myriad of routine tasks, observing the learning of children, and programming the curriculum for the interests and skills observed. “Curriculum: in the early childhood setting curriculum means […]


Programming time: eeeek!!

Ok, so you have your chunk of time off the floor to do your “programming”. What do I do? For most educators this time is precious and jam-packed with expectations! Depending on the centre, educators may have a focus group of children that is their responsibility to observe and program for, or may make a […]