Tag: eylf


Places, Spaces, Wonder, Delight: Inspiring Play Spaces

Here at Kinderloop, we often come across some awe-inspiring humans. One of which is Tracey, an educator extraordinaire who shares some of her inspiring play spaces on social media https://www.instagram.com/places_spaces_wonder_delight/ We often share Tracey’s beautifully curated setups, as we know it can feel hard to be inspired day in day out. We contacted Tracey to […]


Programming and planning in your Kinderloop: Part 2 – ways to program

In our last programming & planning blog, we explained how to use your Kinderloop to create a planning cycle. Part of a planning cycle, is to plan for future learning (programming), here we will walk through the various ways to create a program in your Kinderloop. 1/ Calendar View Are you the kind of educator […]


Programming and Planning in your Kinderloop: Part 1-The Planning Cycle

We asked our in-house Ed Leader to explain what a planning cycle might look like in your Kinderloop. Here is what she said… Here at Kinderloop, our aim is to empower educators to use their Kinderloop in a way that captures their pedagogy whilst supporting them to simplify their documentation. We give you the tools […]


A collaboration with heart ~ Kinderloop & The Empowered Educator

  Our mantra here at Kinderloop is ‘empowering early years educators, worldwide’. We truly value the passion, patience and hardwork educators & teachers provide to the youngest members of society. Kinderloop was created to make the lives of educators easier, so they could concentrate on the important stuff – like building relationships with children. If […]


Halloween – embrace or disgrace?

Only a few decades back, Halloween was known as a much-loved North American tradition, but was it celebrated in Australia…? Heck, no! In fact, trick-or-treating was somewhat frowned upon as “just for American children”. Fast forward twenty years, and whether it’s the influence of pop culture and easy access to the Disney channel, or whether […]


Simplifying Critical Reflections

Those of us who’ve worked in the Early Childhood industry know full well there’s a considerable amount of knowledge required to perform our job. No matter how passionate about children we are, it’s not just about hanging out in the garden all day painting, making sandcastles and singing. There are so many considerations… terminology (pedagogy, […]


Meet Kinderloop’s new Custom Planning Feature

You may have noticed that your planning area looks a little different from a few days ago. Kinderloop has listened to your requests and have been frantically working behind the scenes to present to you our new Custom Planning feature!  What is Custom Planning?  At Kinderloop HQ, through feedback received from different service providers and […]


How to Capture Meaningful Moments Through Photos

Educators could easily be likened to superheroes! Each day they take on a multitude of different roles, which can make for an exhausting list of things to do. On this important list of jobs is ‘photographer’ Educators often use photographs to capture a child’s learning throughout the day or to document specific learning throughout the year. […]


What on earth is a Schema?

Educator’s who know the secret of Schemas are on to something big. They can observe a child at play and notice a pattern where others may just see the behaviour (behaviour that on the surface, ermmm, may not always be great). Because these knowledgable Educator’s can recognise certain patterns, they’re then able to see opportunities […]