Category: Articles


Curriculum and educational program: Infinite possibilities!

In every child care educator’s day, there are a significant number of tasks to be completed: engaging in meaningful interactions with the children in our care, completing a myriad of routine tasks, observing the learning of children, and programming the curriculum for the interests and skills observed. “Curriculum: in the early childhood setting curriculum means […]


Programming time: eeeek!!

Ok, so you have your chunk of time off the floor to do your “programming”. What do I do? For most educators this time is precious and jam-packed with expectations! Depending on the centre, educators may have a focus group of children that is their responsibility to observe and program for, or may make a […]


From paper based to digital documentation

For many the process of moving from a paper based system of observing and recording children’s development is a daunting one. When examining the differences and similarities between paper based and digital documentation systems, the similarities far outweigh the differences and moving over is just a matter of a few simple clicks. The National Quality […]


‘Each’ child: ensuring equitable curriculum decisions

When the National Quality Standard was released, I read the support guide cover to cover. The term “each child” jumped out at me. I began to ponder how we were ever going to provide evidence to assessment and compliance officers that we appropriately observed and assessed each child’s learning and development as well as providing […]


Digital Documentation: Why Kinderloop?

Early childhood education and care is an industry governed by regulation. These regulations are vital to ensure the safety of the children entrusted into our care. With regulations come paperwork and documentation used to evaluate each early childhood setting in line with the National Quality Standards. Along with new quality measures have been emerging digital […]


“I can’t use a computer” Early Childhood Documentation and Planning for the Digital Immigrant

“A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age. Digital immigrants are the opposite of digital natives, who have […]


Mobile Device Management in Early Learning

A huge thanks to our friends over at Crunch IT for their inspired insight into this growing topic. The benefits of tablet adoption in the world of Early Learning are many. Immediate access to all important information, enhanced learning experience, tracking of children’s progress and ensuring adhesion to the plethora of government regulations involved. However […]


The importance of simple, effective documentation in a child care setting

The impact that parental involvement has on our children’s learning is well documented by many different studies. It is now clear that children whose family actively support and involve themselves in their children’s education, achieve higher grades and have more positive outcomes, than children whose family do not positively engage with their children’s education. The […]


NQF & EYLF exceeding assessment feedback )

Another fantastic story from Carabella Early Learning, who, after only using Kinderloop for 2 months have just been assessed as exceeding in all quality areas and every standard!! Well done guys… We had only been using kinderloop for 2 months and our assessor was very interested in the way it works. She particularly liked the […]


How to exceed in all 7 quality areas!

Last week was an amazing week for the Kinderloop family; 4 child care centres achieved ‘Exceeding’ in all 7 quality areas, a huge tick for Kinderloop. Below is a little excerpt from their story… We are a small service of only 3 educators who have worked collectively in Childcare and Education for 75 years. We […]